Monday, September 26, 2005


My pastor preached on '3 Stages of Spiritual Cancer' today. it was about resentment, unforgiveness and bitterness. anyway..he said a sentence that really struck me. it's probably not new to most people, but it's a very liberating truth! hmm..

4 Steps to Freedom from Unforgiveness

1. Release-forgiveness DOESN'T ENDORSE what they did to you, it SIMPLY sets YOU FREE!

2. Forgive-it's not an option, it's a command

3. Forget- God brings the grace to forget the PAIN, not necessarily the experience

4. Action-caring for those who hurt us. Acts of kindness seals the process of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is not an EVENT, it is a lifestyle. When you get hurt (which you will, unless you're DEAD!), choose to move in the opposite spirit, a spirit of humility and forgiveness.

oh more illustration that i heard elsewhere this week. unforgiveness is a prison that locks from the inside. no one can open the door except you. the choice is yours!! forgive and you will be forgiven!

this is just a small portion of the message..hope you're blessed!