Thursday, April 30, 2009

Pleasant Surprise

Today, I had a very pleasant surprise. I just received a mail from someone really special, someone of great importance. As I stared at the envelope with my name and the name of the eyes widened, my pulse increased, and I probably blinked my eyes in unbelief. I ran into the house and opened the envelope with a letter opener to preserve the envelope. It was a birthday card..for me!! I wished I can share who it was from, but that's really besides my point..

I feel so so special! I have no doubt that this person has tonnes of other really big and important things to attend to, and yet took time to sign and send me a birthday card!! I never informed him/her my birthday in the first place. I am instantly reminded of how the Psalmist in the Bible felt about God's love and attention for him..

Psalm 8:3-4

When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,

what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?

Does it blow your mind (or socks off), that God of the Universe cares for you, loves you, and desires an intimate relationship with you? Has there ever been another so-called 'god' besides this One?

This pleasant elation brings something to mind. This must be (hopefully) how others feel when we take time to send them a little note, or a little card, or a little message to encourage them. Everyone needs encouragement, everyone needs love. This someone made a difference in my life..I can do the same for others. You can too!

p/s: I am grateful to all you friends and family for your love and birthday wishes! :)

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